We are a team of young beardsmen from Karachi. Few years ago, when we started bearding, we noticed that managing the beard was not an easy feat. It often became dry and itchy. The whiskers were difficult to tame and the beard often looked lifeless.
We wondered how come people have been bearding so nicely from the beginning of time, but we are unable to. One reason which came to our mind was that they had better diets than us and had lesser pollution. Other reason maybe that they didn’t really care how it looked so they didn’t really do anything about it.
We graduated and started our jobs, and this is where it became more difficult. Regular Oils were greasy with a not so pleasant smell. Many newer brands were using Mineral Oil as their base ingredient, which is extracted alongside crude oil. This is where it came to our mind – How about we create light, nourishing, good smelling Beard Oils for the Urban beardsmen
Discussing it with people, few were convinced that there are beardsmen who care about their beards and would invest in them. This made us even more committed to not just create good affordable products but also to remove misconceptions that beardsmen don’t care about themselves and won’t invest in their outlook. After much thought, we then crafted our vision, mission and values in which we truly believe. And this is what sets us apart.
These values are the essence of our existence. No matter what business we conduct in whichever times and markets, these will be the common terms which will bind us together.
We will always be truthful in our dealings, and constantly evaluate if our message is being correctly interpreted by consumers, employees and investors. We will not over-promise. We will not engage in any activity where we might have to compromise on saying the truth.
Always asking ourselves, what value are we adding to people’s lives? We will only enter markets based on the value-addition to people’s lives given there is reasonable margin to grow. Profits are to companies; only as to what breathing is to humans -necessary to sustain but not the purpose of existence.
We will be empathetic to the needs of both external and internal customers and will create systems to fulfill their needs in the most optimal way. We will listen and we will resolve.
We will be process-oriented rather than result oriented. Good results from a bad process will be downcast. But a good process even when faced with bad results will be encouraged and learnt upon.
We will be very respectful primarily towards the teachings of Deen, our Environment, and Communities we operate in. We will not offend anyone anywhere, implicitly or explicitly, internally or externally. We will work to make our environmental foot print as minimum, and leave this world a better place, then which we adopted.